Do you Struggle with Daily Activities?
If household chores are becoming too difficult for you, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give them up if you don’t want to. Many people hire help or rely on family members to come by to do laundry, dust, do the dishes, or even decorate for holidays. Occupational therapists can work with you to teach you the safest and least energy-consuming way to manage your household tasks.
An OT can show you how to get laundry safely to and from the basement, how to fold clothes without becoming exhausted, and remove clothes from washer and dryer without falling over. There are methods to clean the house and do dishes that will make it easier for you.
Having someone else take over meal preparation can be a big change. Nobody cooks like you do, and it can be frustrating to explain to someone else exactly how you want your food prepared. An OT can teach you how to continue to cook for yourself without becoming too tired to eat what you made!
Getting older doesn’t mean having to give up control of your home. You may just have to learn to do things a little differently. Work with our expert occupational therapists to see how you can adjust your routines.
At Reddy Care Physical and Occupational Therapy, we can get you set up with the right therapist for you. Call today to schedule a consultation!
Reddy Care Great Neck (Great Neck Physical Therapy): 516-829-0030
Reddy Care Farmingdale (Farmingdale Physical Therapy): 516-420-2900
In-Home Physical & Occupational Therapy: 516-829-0030