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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain can be reduced with physical therapy

Within the shoulder is actually a complex combination of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that allow for a wide range of motion in the arm.  Usually, this range of motion is pretty great, in fact, it is the most mobile joint of the body. This flexibility, however, can make it more susceptible to getting injured.


We greatly rely on the shoulder to complete everyday tasks. Getting dressed, writing, driving, even bathing can all be made very difficult if your shoulder is injured. It is important to have a basic understanding of how the shoulder works and the different injuries that it can sustain.


There are many different conditions that can cause shoulder pain. Shoulder pain could be the result of an instant injury or trauma but could also occur more gradually as the result of the deterioration of a particular structure within the shoulder.


Osteoarthritis is one of these gradual conditions that can occur with age. The smooth surface that lines the bones of the shoulder joints starts to wear away, allowing the bones to rub together. This can be quite painful.


Another common cause of shoulder pain is tendonitis. This is where inflammation in the tendons occurs as the result of overuse of the shoulder joint.  Repetitive motions, often related to your work, can cause this.


The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles in the arm that allow you to raise and rotate the arm. They attach the arm bone to the shoulder blade.  Certain circumstances can lead to the rotator cuff tendon being torn, such as by lifting heavy objects. This will cause tenderness or soreness in the shoulder when you try to use it.


There are many more conditions that can be listed that can cause shoulder pain, sometimes even leading to a reduction of function in the arm and hand as well.  Getting the proper treatment is vital to recovery.  The earlier you can seek treatment the better. Physical therapy can be very effective in treating shoulder injuries. There are many treatments available through your physical therapist that can help you manage or wholly eliminate your shoulder pain. Techniques include targeted exercises and stretches, heat and ice application, electrical stimulation, and many more.


If you are experiencing shoulder pain, contact us here at Reddy Care Physical and Occupational Therapy. We have a team of therapists who excel in physical rehabilitation and providing relief from shoulder pain. Call us today to see how we can help you!



At Reddy Care Physical and Occupational Therapy, we can get you set up with the right therapist for you. Call today to schedule a consultation!
Reddy Care Great Neck (Great Neck Physical Therapy): 516-829-0030
Reddy Care Farmingdale (Farmingdale Physical Therapy): 516-420-2900
In-Home Physical & Occupational Therapy (Home Care): 516-829-0030




Reddy Care Physical and Occupational Therapy Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy is an outstanding specialty service providing exceptional care and state-of-the-art treatments for the residents of Farmingdale and Great Neck, New York. The combination of innovative exercise programs, manual therapy, and technology together with the expertise of every member of the team enables Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy to provide services that ensure superior clinical outcomes and consistently high patient satisfaction.

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