The Hidden Solution to Lower Back Pain!

Lower back pain affects millions of Americans annually. The costs are climbing with missed work, down time and overall lack of effectiveness in people with lower back pain. The common thought with low back pain is nerve and discs in the lumbar spine are the driving forces in the pain and symptomatology. Although this is true there are hidden factors that precipitate lower back pain and weakness, that many people are not aware of. Actually, as a matter of fact, many skilled practitioners have had their own challenges in uncovering lower back pain and finding the source of the pain.
So what are we missing?
We all have heard of posture and how poor posture can adversely affect the way we move and also set our bodies up for bad mechanics, which in turn can facilitate our muscles to be in a weaker position; causing injury. Factually, this is very much true. If you observe the epidemic of back and neck pain the overall amount of the workforce that is sitting in front of the computer for 8 hours a day one need not need a statistical analysis to determine that poor sitting posture can play a significant role.
So what’s the secret Vinod?
Patients ask me this all the time. I usually don’t have a silver bullet to cure all their concerns, but it’s helped that 20 years of experience in physical therapy has swayed me away from giving not so good advice and often times some worthwhile suggestions:)
So here it is. There is a big muscle in your upper back called the trapezius that is a tremendous postural muscle. Although it’s in the neck, its help balances your shoulder muscles and provides postural support to your neck and upper back. In turn, if your head and neck are bent forward then the trapezius muscle won’t keep you uptight, then the strain can go all the way down to the lower back due to the weight of the head and bad posture.
Trapezius muscle strengthening involves shoulder shrugs. If you improve your postural work horses then you can literally save your back!
Contact Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy to answer any of your questions!
Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy Great Neck: 516-829-0030
Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy Farmingdale: 516-420-2900
In-Home Physical & Occupational Therapy: 516-829-0030
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