Treatment for hip pain will depend on the cause.

Hip pain can be severely painful, limit your mobility, and affect your ability to work and complete everyday tasks. Hip pain is a general term for pain not just in the hips but also extending to the groin and thighs.
Hip pain can come about for a variety of reasons. Some common causes are bursitis, arthritis, tendonitis, and sciatica. Hip pain can also be the result of an injury, such as a fracture. Most outer hip pain stems from problems in the soft tissues, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that surround your hip joint.
Treatment for hip pain will depend on the cause. After injury or surgery, a rehabilitation program with a physical therapist can help you regain strength, restore flexibility, and improve range of motion in your hips. Some treatments your therapist may use are:
- Exercise and targeted stretches to improve strength and mobility.
- Heat and ice therapy to ease pain and help reduce inflammation.
- Laser therapy to repair damaged tissue and stimulate healing
Here at Reddy Care Physical and Occupational Therapy, your treatment will begin with a consultation with one of our expert therapists. Once they determine the cause of your hip pain, they will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan based on your needs. Our team is highly skilled at diagnosing and managing hip pain. With the right treatment, we can help you reduce your pain and improve function in your hip. For more information on how we can help you, give us a call and get started with a consultation!
At Reddy Care Physical and Occupational Therapy, we can get you set up with the right therapist for you. Call today to schedule a consultation!
Reddy Care Great Neck (Great Neck Physical Therapy): 516-829-0030
Reddy Care Farmingdale (Farmingdale Physical Therapy): 516-420-2900
North Shore Towers: 718-224-8480
In-Home Physical & Occupational Therapy (Home Care): 516-829-0030
*Home therapy servicing Long Island, Queens, Staten Island, Brooklyn & Manhattan
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